APU Z18-2-A 8945

Download the technical data sheet


  • Product number: 8945100000


  • APU accessory
  • ETICS/EIFS insulation systems
  • PVC
  • Box of 100 pieces
  • Small square 24 x 24 mm, 2 x 12 mm extensions for use as elements for connecting with the profiles, and bellcast finishing (staircase shape) of 9 mm on two edges
  • Used as external connector for APU W40 DROP-TEX DUE finishing profiles, complete APU W61 SOLI-TEX DUE systems, and render stop profiles APU W66 SOKA-TEX DUE for insulation base, creating precise external angles


Download the technical data sheet - More info on www.apu.ch


  • Fire classification: B1 in accordance with standard DIN 4102


8945100000 : Out of stock