Download the technical data sheetReferences
- Pieces × dimension: 40 x 2.95 m - 118.00 m
- Packs per palette: 20
- Product number: 0428040295
- Corner bead made of steel wire
- External and facade rendering, scrape-finish renders, or renders with more obvious granularity
- Stainless steel
- Wings of +/- 62 mm
- Recommended in constructions where the environment is more aggressive (industrial) or exposed to spray (sea)
- Wire of 1,40 mm in diameter
- Protection and finishing of corners formed by external walls
Plaster Thickness
15 mm
- Fixed with mortar to corner of wall
- Levelling
- After drying, finish the corner using render based on hydraulic binder, 15 mm thick.
- Empfohlen für Bauten in aggressiverer Umgebung (industriell) oder mit Gischtexposition (Küste)
Corner bead manufactured using stainless steel.
Implementation Precaution
Always consult the manufacturer to check the compatibility of the render with the profile used
DOP file
0428040295 : Out of stock